Sunday, 10 November 2013

Cheesecake History

Cheesecake originates from Greece, on the Greek island of Samos. The reason why New York is considered the main centre of cheesecakes is because Arnold Reuben went from Germany to America when he was young and especially made a New York style cheesecake after being invited to a dinner party.

Some main ingredients in a cheesecake base are:

v  Butter

v  Spices

v  Biscuits

Variations in cheesecakes:

v  Baked cheesecakes have different ingredients in the base e.g. flour, caster sugar and almond meal.

v Different cheeses e.g. cream cheese, curd cheese, ricotta cheese, mascarpone cheese, etc.

Usually in non-bake cheese cakes/ chilled cheesecakes contain lemon juice. The purpose of the lemon juice is to make the cheesecake firm. The lemon juice helps the cheesecake set because the acid in the lemon reacts with the dairy making the cheesecake firm. Baked cheesecakes don’t contain any lemon because they are cooked which makes them firm.

Different flavored cheesecakes:

v  Black Forest

v  Cookies and Cream

v  Lemon

v  Butterscotch

v  Chocolate Chip

v  Chocolate Barbarian

v  Oreo

v  White Chocolate

v  Snickers Bar

v  Caramel Swirl

The list goes on and on.


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